Hi there, I have read a few threads but have not been able to find my answer. Is it possible to embed a forum on a webpage so it is not a separate standalone link? I want to create a single page with videos, content and then at the bottom of the page, the forum. Is this possible?
Currently I have a button they have to click which then takes them to a seperate page with the forum.
Hi @lisayoung,
Please check the wpForo shortcodes: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/getting-started/forum-page/wpforo-shortcodes/
Thank you for your reply Robert, but I am not sure what they mean or what one I am suppose to use. Can you please be more specific about which one I use and what it does?
Thank you! I couldn't get it to work as I have two forums, and the IDs are the same. I am going to just redirect them to a different page I think instead
Thanks for your help!