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[Closed] Facebook sharing button not working

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Anybody else with this issue?

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It doesn't work for you because it is crashing when you select it:

Uncaught ReferenceError: FB is not defined 9" role="listitem">    <anonymous> :39
    jQuery 9 8" role="listitem">    <anonymous> :8
    jQuery 13
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@dimalifragis d**n, I didn't change anything, how is that and is there a solution?

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@joselito Well it must be the plugin you use for FB etc etc?

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@dimalifragis No plugin it's in the wpforo settings > Social Share.



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Posted by: @joselito

@dimalifragis No plugin it's in the wpforo settings > Social Share.



Not what i said, not in wpForo. You have some PLUGIN for social sharing. Other than wpForo's?

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@dimalifragis It's a plugin that links to social media not social sharing, never had problems with it.

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@joselito I don't understand what you mean.

THIS is the cause:

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Posted by: @dimalifragis

@joselito I don't understand what you mean.

THIS is the cause:

That's from Wpforo.Hover on the buttons and you'll see that FB doesn't work.

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Go to Meta Developer website, you will see some new info about your app need to be submitted. Do that and try again.

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@chris Which app Sir?I don't understand.

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Please disable the Facebook share button. It should be tested in the plugin core. It seems there is a bug with that.

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@robert Let us know when it's fixed.Thanks 🙂

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Posted by: @robert


Please disable the Facebook share button. It should be tested in the plugin core. It seems there is a bug with that.

Did you fix the problem?


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I get Gateway time-out Error code 504 when trying to enter your Forum.

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Posted by: @chris


I get Gateway time-out Error code 504 when trying to enter your Forum.

I had problems today, the site is back now thank you.


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Please Enable Face Book Sharing.

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Posted by: @chris


Please Enable Face Book Sharing.



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Just shared your forum in FB: