I am having trouble getting the dark mode to work properly on the forum page. I have attached a pic to show you what the problem is. There are sections of the forum that remain white after switching to night mode.
I have added red arrows to show you where the white bits are that are not supposed to be there.
All other pages work fine, it just seems to clash with the wpforo software
Hope you can help 🙂
Is it the one i told you ? Because if it is i am interested for the reply.
Hi @percysgrowroom,
you've just changed the dark mode of your active theme am I understand you correctly? If your theme is on dark mode, please switch the wpForo on dark mode as well.
More info here: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/wpforo-settings/style-settings/
s it the one i told you ?
yes it is mate. You have the same problems right?
you've just changed the dark mode of your active theme am I understand you correctly?
NO Sofy, the theme of the site is the same, it just has an option for dark mode, incase the users are using the site at night time, to be easier on the eyes.
The whole site works fine, but the forum page doesnt. As if the dark mode code doesnt work right with the wpforo software?
The colour issues seem to be in the same place so hopefully that will give a better idea of what code needs to be changed or added to fix it