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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Guest Posting

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I'm having trouble allowing guests to post in my forums.  My forums are configured to give guests "Standard Access", and that access level is set to permit them to add topics, comments, etc.  When you try to create a topic when not logged in, however, nothing happens.  (The "Add Topic" button is there and looks clickable, but no reaction when clicked.)  When you try to reply to an existing comment as a guest, the little spinning blue "Working" dots show up, but it just hangs there and never goes anywhere.

Can wpForo be configured to permit guest posts?  If so, is there a unexpected/less than obvious setting that needs to be set?  I've been through everything a few times and can't figure out where I'm going wrong.


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Hi cll321,

I'm sorry but wpForo doesn't support guest posting yet. The permission configuration is not enogh to allow guest create a new topic or reply. We'll add this in our to-do list.

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Ah.  Well, that explains it.  

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Is there any way to have a "Please login or register" message pop up when guests try to add topics or reply to existing ones?  Currently, when a user that's not logged in clicks a "reply" button, they get the little spinning "working" graphic that just hangs.  I've had people reach out to tell me that something was wrong with the forum, and then move on without posting (even though, in one case, they actually had an account).  Would be great to give the users an indication of the why things aren't working as a stop-gap measure while we sort out guest posting.


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Something is wrong on your website. Please logout here and click on "Reply" or "Add New Topic" buttons. And you'll see that the message is already exist in wpForo.

It seems you have JS errors on website which affects wpForo pop-up messages.

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