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How to Change Colour of Member Name

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I've successfully used CSS code to change the colour of a member's name in 'Our newest member', but I'm stuck on how to do the same in 'Currently viewing this topic' and 'Last Post by'.
I've tried various options with no joy.
Any pointers, please?

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but I'm stuck on how to do the same in 'Currently viewing this topic'

You can use the CSS coede below: 

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users {color:#872727;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users a {color:#872727;}

 and 'Last Post by'

Could you please show on some screenshot that exactly you need to change?

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Thanks for the quick response.

This CSS changed the colour of the wording 'Currently viewing this topic 1 user(           ), but not the name of the member within the brackets.
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users {color:#872727;}

The other CSS didn't change anything.

I just need to change the colour of the member's name, as it is invisible against the background colour which I use in the forum and across my website.

Screenshots are attached.

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Screenshot attached

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@jasper ,

Is this code added as well? 

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users a {color:#872727;}
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No, both of those screenshots are without your code.

If I add thiscode:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users a {color:#872727;}

...everything looks exactly as it is without your code.

If I add the code below, it changes the wording but not the name of the member (screenshot attached):

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users {color:#872727;}
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Could you please try the same code with !important statement?

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Exactly the same result as in my previous message.

This is the code I used to successfully change 'Our newest member:', in case it helps:
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-newest-member a{
color: #000000 !important;

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I just looked at the code in 'Inspect' and now 'Currently viewing this topic 1 user' and the member's name have both changed colour, but only if the small box is checked in 'Styles'.

If I uncheck the box, then 'Currently viewing this topic 1 user' is the same colour as the other text but the member's name is in red, which is how I want it, so the question now for this part is how do I keep that box unchecked?! 

For the other part, 'Last post by' and the member's name still hasn't changed.

I've attached screenshots for clarity.

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The code provided befor works fine on our test websites.  

Regarding the last screenshot, here is the CSS code you can use: 

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-post-head .wpf-post-head-top .wpf-post-info div a{color: #9b4242;}
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Maybe there's some sort of conflict with Elementor. I'll try fiddling around with the codes and see if I can get something to happen. 

Thanks for your help.

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Okay, with a little experimentation, I've done it.
I used:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-newest-member a{
color: #c60000 !important;


#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors a {
color: #c60000 !important;

Those two pieces of code have affected the member's name in:
'Last post by.....'
The name under the avatar
'Currently viewing this topic.....', and
'Our newest member:'

I just wanted to check with you that what I've done is okay and shouldn't cause any issues!

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