Hi, I created a topic (questions and answers layout) in my forum, and now what can I do if I want to change the author of the question from myself to some other user? I know this is somewhat weird and hard to do (maybe in the database table) but I just want it to work for one or two questions because of some mistake.
For example, I am sujal (username) and I created a topic, 2 people answered me and now I want to change sujal > john.
Also, please check out this thread if you hadn't already and see if you can help.
Hi @sujal,
Please do a little search, check tags, check the related topics, and you'll find the answer very easy: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/change-the-author-of-a-post-2/#post-55529
Tags: https://wpforo.com/community/?wpfs=topic+author&wpfin=tag
Thank you, I will remember for tomorrow and I got the solution. Hence, the topic is now resolved.