I need to create a page of legal notice, privacy and cookies. But when I give it to the public to see and I get the error 404
Oops! The page you are looking for is not found!
I can not find the option to publish the page even if it is not seen in the forum.
Someone help me? Thank you and forgive my English
I've already solved it, in settings Exclude page URLs (one URL per line) opnes the url of the page or the post to publish and you can see. A greeting.
Hi @franricht,
Please only use the "Turn WordPress to wpForo" option if you're not going to have any page and any other non-forum content on website front-end. This option is not for setting forum on home page, this disables all WordPress post types on front-end. If you just want to set forum on home page, please disable this option and follow to this instruction: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/getting-started/forum-page/set-forum-on-home-page/
WOW! Excellent information Robert! Thank you very much!