I have a custom login link set up to log into wp admin for security reasons. However after I installed wpforo, when someone registers and they receive the password link on their email, the email has the custom login url link. I wanted to keep that hidden and do not want regular subscribers to know about it. Is there any way to do this? For example lets say my website custom login link is www.abc.com/customlogin
When someone registers and gets the password link, it shows up in their email as www.abc.com/customlogin?action=rp.......
Any way to mask/hide the custom login?
I would like to know that to...
We'll check and get back to you soon.
Please follow these steps:
1. Enable the 'Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL' option located in Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Login & Registration admin page.
2. Enable the 'Overwrite WordPress Reset Password Emails' option in Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Email Settings admin page.
By following these steps, the wpForo Reset Password Email will be sent to the users accordingly.
@sofy These options were already enabled. As I mentioned the custom login link shows up when someone registers or requests a new password.
For example, lets say my website custom login link is www.abc.com/customlogin
When someone registers and gets the password link, it shows up in their email as www.abc.com/customlogin?action=rp.......
I do not want to show the users the "customlogin" part