Oct 17, 2022 6:07 pm
the forum was working okay the past few days and just today, it's giving me this error when I try to log in or register
Sorry, something is wrong with your data.
2 Replies
Oct 17, 2022 6:57 pm
Hi @sikaundi,
You have LiteSpeed Cache plugin in your website and the forum pages are not excluded from caching. This is a big issue. Please follow the steps below to fix the problem:
- Please navigate in Dashboard to LiteSpeed Cache > Cache admin page
- Go to Exclude Tab, find the "Do Not Cache URIs" option
- Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line in the option textarea:
/forum/ /participant/ /sign-up/ /sign-in/ /change-password/
Then delete all kind of caches.