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[Solved] Login Sign Up Redirect not working

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Could it be that our database is broken? If so, could you help us and have a quick look?


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Just as an additional info

all language redirects (besides from EN) seem to work although the forum pages are not opening
see here:論壇  the general Forum page in Cantonese does revert to the homepage and does not open the forum. Same for Chinese Simplified, Ukrainian, Russian and Japanese. But the login redirects work:


So in general the login seems to work, just something must be wrong with the EN link and the general forum links.

Waiting for  your advise

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I am also having trouble with this bug.

It is occurring on the following sites

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I am also using WPforo on a Japanese site, but after the update, all the links such as members, profile, registration, login, etc. stopped working and I was in trouble. Is it caused by the language you are using?

Decided to downgrade it and see how it goes.

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I want to downgrade too, but when I downgrade, my paid addons stop working.

(I also downgraded paid add-ons...)

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I also dealt with the paid add-on by contacting support and getting the previous add-on version.

I updated it without noticing the major update, so I restored it from a backup, and spent a whole day fixing it, so I wasted a lot of time...

(※I always use the SWELL theme.Thank you.)

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I have tried using InstaWP in a plain environment, but I get a 404.

Please try to move to the LOGIN page from the following page.

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The test site on InstaWP was resolved by updating the permalink settings.

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@Robert - after the upgrade to 2.0.3 profile, login and registration seems to work. 

However the forums in other languages than English, Spanish and German are still not opening. 



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Please update to 2.0.4 and delete all caches.

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Posts: 61

@robert Thanks for your help. I can confirm that Login and Sign-Up worked after 2.0.2 update. 
With regards to the conflict with the languages pages this was not caused by WP Foro. After lots of investigating we found out that it was a WP Foro non-related issue with Cleantalk. They have send us a quick-fix and now everything is working. Thought to mention this, also for people who might struggle with similar things. So this is solved for us.

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