Hi I'm trying to set up a very private forum, so have read and followed advice re a link to send to members etc. here https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/hide-registration-link-make-secure/#post-12035
This works on computer so people can register, but fails to load on a mobile and either times out or says link not recognised
I've cleared out and then disabled cache plugins but still nothing any ideas ? thanks
Hi fabrication,
If wpForo is installed in your server and is working for one devise it will work for another devise as well. It seems the phone cashe is reson of this issue.
We need to test it. If it possible, please leave your forum URL here or send it to support[at]gvectors.com.
Hi it's here https://www.fabric-ation.co.uk/community/?wpforo=signup I've cleared my phone cache and it's not working on a colleagues either
Please disable the AMP plugin for forum page or deactivate it when you testing on mobile. Also test it using a private session in mobile browser.
Hi I'd already tried that and it didn't make any difference. I also need to be able to continue to use AMP for mobile site efficiency