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New Feature [Closed] New notifications problems

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I believe that New notifications should be or in the recent posts and not in the recent topics or at least both.

I will explain why,

recent topics are new topics and normal to have new replies,

old topics dont show except if you change the settings to last updated topic.

If you do this works as it should but it is showing creation date and not reply date and creator of the topic not the one that replied.

And now lets go to the problem,

To my site it show a white new that is not linking somewhere..

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We'll take this into consideration for sure. Thank you for your suggestion...

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Agree. This new feature is big step in the right direction but it appears to be applied to absolutely the wrong part of the forum,  by far the majority of member traffic on the forums I manage is split between unread and recent where it is crucial that clicking a topic title will lead to the first UNREAD post, not the last post. It would be especially beneficial to mobile users if applied to recent and unread as most don't bother to scroll down to the bottom of the page to look at widgets.

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Posted by: @verek

applied to absolutely the wrong part of the forum

Could you please explain what means these words? The new features applied to all parts of the forum not only in the Recent Topic widget. Have you read the release summery? Do you know that all topics links on forum and topic pages are already referred to the first unread post? I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

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I am not referring to widgets. I am referring to the Recent page:

And to the Unread page:

Both of which are more trafficked than any other page on the forums I manage. The latest update does not lead one to the last UNREAD post since last visit  as it does from within a forum or sub forum.

Another reason why Recent titles should lead to the first unread post since last visit is so that we can reduce this to one single entry to prevent scroll marathons.

This is how works on various standalone forum software such as Xenforo.

Nice clean present of new content since last visit in mobile view on Xenforo



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Ok, thank you for the details, so you just want to add the Jump to last unread post in The Recent Post page. Now I see you. You just need to say "Please add this feature to recent posts page too" instead of saying "applied to absolutely the wrong part of the forum". I don't think this feature is applied to absolutely the wrong part of the forum. Because if you investigate it further you'll see all XenForo Topic links are referred to first unread post on forum home page and on forum/topic list as it's done on wpForo.


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My apologies Robert, I did not mean to come across as aggressive when I said the wrong part of the forum, I did word it badly, I should have said that this long sought after functionality was prioritized to the less important parts of a forum. Forum veterans do not blunder about the index or browse around within forum pages, that's for rookies, we hit new and recent straightaway; if we are looking for something specific we hit search, the c**p we do not want to read is whisked away with mark forum as read. The updates for this in 1.7.0 are a mere whisker away from being perfect.

As always, I am thankful for a WPForo dev team that takes the time to listen to us, 1.7.0 is testament to that. In my opinion WPforo is leaving the likes of BBPress and SimplePress in the dust.


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Thank you @verek and @central4allgmail-com,

All your suggestions are added in our to-do list for the next version update.