Does "New User Registration Email for user" only work for registrations through the wpForo form? I ask that because it doesn't seem to apply to the emails new users get on my website (I use the normal WordPress registration form).
I'm sorry, but I don't follow you. Please try to explain in other words.
I just want to mention that the user registration process is under WordPress control, not wpForo. wpForo only provides with the registration form, other processes are performed by WordPress.
Sorry, it was already late when I wrote that.
In the wpForo "Email" settings I can set the email texts for different situations. One of them is called "New User Registration Email for user". This is where I specify the email a user gets after he registered. By default it says:
[blogname] Your username and password info
Username: [user_login]
To set your password, visit the following address:
However, my users don't seem to get the email defined here, but the default WordPress one instead. I think that, because instead of [blogname] it adds "WordPress".
My question is: Does this email only override the default email if I enable registrations through the forum registration page?
This depends on two factors
1. The "Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL" option should be enabled in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Featured admin page.
2. If some plugin (Profile builder or Form Builder) affects the reset password url and changes it to something else wpForo doesn't touch it anymore so the wpForo email template doesn't work.
So one of this exists on your forum. This issue doesn't have any relation to [blogname] shortcode.
Thank you for your answer.
So if I don't enable "Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL" I will only get the default WordPress password email?