How does this system actually work? I added two pages in wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-tools&tab=misc:
And I was hoping that the whole content of the forum wouldn't be indexed, but at least one post is now indexed nevertheless. Should I have done that differently, added all possible pages, or was it just a glitch (that I can have deleted at Google)?
Well, it looks like it only works for the precise links defined in wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-tools&tab=misc, that is, posts will not be affected and thus will be indexed.
How can I set <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> on all (present and future) pages/posts of the wpForum (but not of the blog)?
Hi @alain,
Make sure you use the textarea with option label "Noindex forum page URLs:"
URLs must be with protocol (http:// or https://).
And why you don't use asterisks? It would look like this:
Wonderful, thank you @robert! 😀
It works indeed, now all posts have the noindex meta tag. Perfect! 👍