Hi there,
I have a problem with forum permissions. The point is that i need thatย only one forum dont need to acept topics and answers, i mean, it needs to be free for every member no matter the group, the resto of the forums must to be moderated to aprove them. I cant find how to do it. I need help.ย
Also i would like that the group that is moderator the topic and answer are automatically aproved, now they have first send and then aprove their own topcis/anwers.
Thank you in advance
Hi @stuweb,
I'll suggest you read the FAQ topic about wpForo Usergroups, Forum Accesses, and WordPress User Roles: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/
but then ther wouldnt be option to moderate any forum at all?
Thats not good ๐
I would suggest you to add the feature to activate/deactivate moderation in the forum options in future updates.
Thank you for your help. Have a good one