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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Please do not force confirmation for topic subscription

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I was looking for an option to disable confirmation for topic subscription and could not find it.

I think that for general forums the confirmation is somewhat annoying the members for the reason that if a member did select to subscribe, there is no reason for another step.

Much simpler to "send and forget"

Example of a mail that I got from your forum:


Hello yossik!
Thank you for subscribing. This is an automated response. We are glad to inform you that after confirmation you will get updates from - WP 4.7 compatibility.
Please click on link below to complete this step.

Confirm my subsription


I believe in streamlining and "Easy&Lazy" for the members and this extra step might drive them out to other forums...


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Go to Preferences (הגדרות) 




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Joined: 8 years ago

Well, the above features related, as far as I understand, to the check box not to the fact that regardless the member must response to the mail in order to activate the subscription.

That is my setting:

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If the box is not ticked, the member shouldn't get an activation email.

Maybe it's a bug?

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If "Enable Subscription Confirmation" option is set NO, your users will not get subscription confirmation. This is tested on all our websites and even here. We just set it NO on and it works fine here too.