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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] recent posts

8 Posts
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Posts: 47
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Hi there,

Is it possible to set the recent posts so that posts that are older than 3 months are not displayed?

best regards

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Posts: 1357
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read this post > Change Recent Topics Time Limit

Posts: 47
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Joined: 4 years ago


Thank you.
I added this code to my snippet plugin:

add_filter('wpforo_recent_posts_limit', function($days){return 30;} );

but i cant see changes. should i clear the forum cache?

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Noble Member
Posts: 1357


yes, after each change on files/templates, you need to clear the cache

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I did that but unfortunately there is no change

or does it have to be in the functions.php of the theme? I have now put that into a plugin for code snippets

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Yes, it must be in your Active themes functions.php file.

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I copied it into the theme's functions.php and cleared the forum's cache, but that didn't change anything

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Noble Member
Posts: 1357


try a lower value instead of 30