Trusted Member
Topics: 14 / Replies: 21
RE: recent posts

Hey I copied it into the theme's functions.php and cleared the forum's cache, but that didn't change anything

3 years ago
RE: recent posts

Hey I did that but unfortunately there is no change or does it have to be in the functions.php of the theme? I have now put that into a plugin for...

3 years ago
RE: recent posts

Hey,Thank you.I added this code to my snippet plugin: add_filter('wpforo_recent_posts_limit', function($days){return 30;} ); but i cant see changes...

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1079
RE: Avatars are no longer displayed (wrong URL)

@chris No, I actually missed that point. I just made it and now it works as usual again 🙂 Thank you very much guys

3 years ago
RE: Avatars are no longer displayed (wrong URL)

Hey i've now installed the Better Search Replace. The following URL is currently in the database under "Avatar": //

3 years ago
RE: Avatars are no longer displayed (wrong URL)

Hey I executed the command, however, without a change. What else could I do?best regards

3 years ago
RE: Avatars are no longer displayed (wrong URL)

Hey, I had set up a test page with wp-staging and it was even called "IGL-Testseite" but why this was now transferred to the live page is a mystery ...

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 982
RE: Lightbox not working

oh ok - but which lightbox u using in this forum?

3 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 563
RE: Date of last post

@tutrix The language of the site is set to German - in the admin area I only set it in English for myself

3 years ago
RE: Date of last post

The language of the site is set to German - in the admin area I only set it in English for myself

3 years ago
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