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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Date of last post

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Is it possible to display the date of the last post? Instead of "1 year ago" we would like the date to be there. Is that possible?

best regards

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you have to edit the forum.php of your used layout

the best way to do this > Theme Customization

open the forum.php

and search for

<?php wpforo_date($forum['last_post_date']) ?>

and replace with

<?php wpforo_date($forum['last_post_date'], 'd/m/Y g:i a') ?>
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i cant find the line

<?php wpforo_date($forum['last_post_date']) ?>
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search for date

and add after  „ ] „

, 'd/m/Y g:i a'




Layout 1 forum.php

<?php wpforo_date($topic['modified']); ?>

Layout 2 forum.php

<?php wpforo_date($forum['last_post_date']) ?>

Layout 3 forum.php

<?php wpforo_date($topic['modified']); ?>

Layout 4 forum-thread.php

<?php echo $thread['last_post_date'] ?>
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Thanks! Now it worked 🙂

Can i also the time zone? would like to have it with 24h 🙂

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you have to do this via wordpress settings > Formatting Date and Time

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The time zone is a user specific option. All users can change their time zones in Their Profile > Account page, so the topics and posts dates will be displayed according to their time-zone. You can change it for your account as well:

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I have already set the time format correctly (H: i) but it still shows me the pm and am format in the forum

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try (G:i)



, 'd/m/Y h:i a'
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@tutrix Hello

Unfortunately, none of this changes anything
I use this code and have also changed the settings in WordPress


<div class="wpforo-last-topic-date"><?php wpforo_date($topic['modified'], 'd/m/Y h:i a'); ?></div>

WordPress Settings are visible on the screenshot

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remove the "a"

, 'd/m/Y h:i'


, 'd/m/Y g:i'

which country and time zone are you?

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Now it looks better 🙂 But "am & pm" is still displayed in the forum topics

Our Timezone is Europe/Berlin

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why is your wordpress english although you have a german site

normally you should have the same settings as me

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@tutrix The language of the site is set to German - in the admin area I only set it in English for myself

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The language of the site is set to German - in the admin area I only set it in English for myself