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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Regarding avatar

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I have two questions regarding the avatar.

  1. When uploading an image for the avatar and hitting [save change], it takes a while before that image appears. Is there a way to automatically clear cache or make it appear quicker?
  2. So, I use URL instead, but then I found another problem >> the perspective ratio of the image is not a square, so the avatar is not a circle, as attached. Please provide me with a solution.

Thank you in advance

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Hi @malpharyx,

Posted by: @malpharyx

When uploading an image for the avatar and hitting [save change], it takes a while before that image appears. Is there a way to automatically clear cache or make it appear quicker?

Exclude wpForo from your cache plugin, check the below FAQ Topic:

Posted by: @malpharyx

So, I use URL instead, but then I found another problem >> the perspective ratio of the image is not a square, so the avatar is not a circle, as attached. Please provide me with a solution.

Change your theme to Shuttle ibusiness, and check the avatar again, let us know the result.

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The problem with the cache plugin is fixed. Thank you.

But the problem with the image aspect ratio is not working.

Please see the following link and the attached image.

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You MUST remove caching from wpForo. I still see it running:

!-- This website is like a Rocket, isn't it? Performance optimized by WP Rocket. Learn more:  - Debug: cached@1637323065 -->
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@dimalifragis But I have done everything it said on this link

Please tell me if there is anything more that I have to do.

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@malpharyx Why don't you check your self the html source of the page to verify this?

But since you have a FORUM only site, you should DISABLE the plugin.

What are you caching since there is nothing else?

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go to your Home Page, press CTRL U, scroll down to the bottom, and you will see`

<!-- This website is like a Rocket, isn't it? Performance optimized by WP Rocket. Learn more: - Debug: cached@1637397180 -->


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I have removed the cache plugin completely, but the problem with the image aspect ratio is not fixed.

I don't think it's relevant.

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Had you tried with another theme, like I mentioned above?

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@chris I've tried and it's still not fixed. And because Shuttle ibusiness theme broke my layout, I changed back to Astra.

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