Good day
My forum is my problem is that when I add a new topic where I must add the post title/topic title its too dark and I cant see what I wrote, you can check it on my forum so you can understand, also on the login page its too dark and the username doesn't show, how can I fix this issue as my users are complaining, Kindly assist me.
This is not wpForo Dark style. You've done an incorrect style/color customization. Why you didn't select the Dark Style in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page? Can you remove all your customization and just use the default wpForo Dark Style?
Hey Robert
I have tried but I cant, I don't know how to revert back to the default dark style, How do I do that? I am using latest version of Wpforo, please help me asap
BTW, your website theme is not dark. i don't recommend do use dark style. You should use the orange style. Navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page. Choose the Orange Style, save it.
Then and change the #12 forum Primary Color of orange style to #C42210 (your wp theme primary color). Once you saved the change, navigate to forum front and do Ctrl+F5 to reload new style.
In case you want to use the default Dark style. Choose the dark style and save it:
If you've changed Dark Style colors please change those back manually using this list:
'0' => #000000
'1' => #141414
'2' => #bbbbbb
'3' => #000000
'4' => #666666
'5' => #bcbcbc
'6' => #999999
'7' => #585858
'8' => #727272
'9' => #323232
'10' => #dadada
'11' => #C42210
'12' => #C42210
'13' => #C42210
'14' => #C42210
'15' => #C42210
'16' => #CECECE
'17' => #33779b
'20' => #FF812D
'30' => #4dca5c
'31' => #00a636
'32' => #86ba4c
'33' => #6fa634
'40' => #ff9595
'41' => #ff7575
'42' => #f46464
Once you saved the change, navigate to forum front and do Ctrl+F5 to reload new style.
Hey Thank you a lot, it worked perfectly.
How can i make the widget area only to appear on the forum home but not on posts/topics, especially for mobile devices cause it looks untidy
I'm sorry but there is no way. i recommend to use wpForo widgets to not leave this area empty. wpForo has many widgets. please read the documentation: