at first thanks so much for creating such an awesome forum plugin. I have have 3 questions:
1. I have 100% translated the wpforo strings into German language (i am native). Would you like to have them as an appreciation from my side 😀 ? If so, what file exactly do you need. Happy to share
2. I have noticed the facebook login button on mobile (android is not showing). Can you help out. My forum: https://www.fengshuibalanz.com/forum
3. Where can i change the email body for registration etc. to translate into German??
Thanks, oliver
Hi @fengshuibalanz,
Thank you for using wpForo and for contacting us.
1. I have 100% translated the wpforo strings into German language (i am native). Would you like to have them as an appreciation from my side
? If so, what file exactly do you need. Happy to share
Please send both .PO and .MO files to support[at]gvectors.com email address.
2. I have noticed the facebook login button on mobile (android is not showing). Can you help out. My forum: https://www.fengshuibalanz.com/forum
Please try this small CSS code. Put it in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code Textarea. Save it delete all caches, do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end. Then test it on other mobile devices. Because mobile browsers have a hard cache, you'll not be able to see the change immediately.
.fb_iframe_widget iframe {
position: relative!important;
3. Where can i change the email body for registration etc. to translate into German??
All email templates sending by wpForo side can be found in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Emails admin page.
Hi Sofy,
1/ Just sent the email of translation of support email
2/ the short code for facebook works fine now
3/ I see the email body in settings. Is there a way to have two languages. For example, if a person has the German language version of the forum, that the system will send this person only the German language emails. Is this possible? Or would i need to add both languages into the same email body?
I'm sorry but in this case, the emails will be sent as you've filed in the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Emails admin page, i.e in the current language. There is no way to translate those mails.
ok thanks a lot. I guees i will include both languages into the same emai.
appreciate your help 😀