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New Feature [Solved] Unique Veiws and Reaccuring veiws

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I see that the view count only counts a visitor one time even if they visit the page or post more times. This is not optimal for understanding page views for me. Is there a snippet of code that I can add or remove or both that will allow counting each time the page is loaded? 

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Hi @forumlover,

I'm sorry but there is no an easy way to enable it yet. We'll add this in our to-do and make this option.

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Well it's important I have it sooner than later or I need to go with a different forum that allowes views for returning page visits. Anyway to pay a small fee and get this change? Where in the code does it have the counting?

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Ok, you can remove all filters and logics of unique counting of visitors.

For the 1.7.8 and above versions just put this hook code in your current active WordPress theme functions.php file:

add_filter('wpforo_filter_topic_views', '__return_false' );


For the 1.7.7 and lower versions do this change in the core file:

Use Plugin Editor or Website cPanle > File manager. Open this file: wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/functions.php

Find this function:

function wpforo_user_logging(){
$data = WPF()->current_object;
$visitor = WPF()->current_user;
if( wpfval($data, 'template') && $data['template'] == 'post' && wpfval($data, 'topicid') ){
//to-do: don't increase views before all read point.
if( WPF()->tools_legal['cookies'] ){
$viwed_ids = wpforo_getcookie( 'wpf_read_topics', false );
if( empty($viwed_ids) || !wpfval($viwed_ids, $data['topicid']) ){
WPF()->db->query("UPDATE `".WPF()->tables->topics."` SET `views` = `views` + 1 WHERE `topicid` = " . intval($data['topicid']));
elseif( is_user_logged_in() ){
if( wpfval(WPF()->current_usermeta, 'wpf_read_topics') ) {
$viwed_db_ids = wpforo_current_usermeta( 'wpf_read_topics' );
if( empty( $viwed_db_ids ) || !wpfval($viwed_db_ids, $data['topicid']) ){
WPF()->db->query("UPDATE `".WPF()->tables->topics."` SET `views` = `views` + 1 WHERE `topicid` = " . intval($data['topicid']));
} else{
WPF()->db->query("UPDATE `".WPF()->tables->topics."` SET `views` = `views` + 1 WHERE `topicid` = " . intval($data['topicid']));

Change it to this:

function wpforo_user_logging(){
$data = WPF()->current_object;
$visitor = WPF()->current_user;
if( wpfval($data, 'template') && $data['template'] == 'post' && wpfval($data, 'topicid') ){
WPF()->db->query("UPDATE `".WPF()->tables->topics."` SET `views` = `views` + 1 WHERE `topicid` = " . intval($data['topicid']));
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Let me test this.

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Remember, the view count will not be changed live-time. Because it's under caching, it'll be reset after each new post or topic. If you want to test it you should click on [Delete all cache] button in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard after each visit.

So the counting is going well but it'll not change the value on forum after each visit.

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It's actually d**n near live, a simple click back on the breadcrumbs will show the view count update.

Nice one. 👍 

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I have not tested but this reminds me of back in the day when people helped people without trying to charge them freaking as much as they can.

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Where is this located?


  • wpforo.php
  • wpf-assets folder
  • wpf-themes folder
  • wpf-includes folder
  • wpf-languages folder
  • wpf-admin


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