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[Closed] URL & Breadcrumb Settings For a Single Main Forum

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There is only one main forum on my website. This causes extra space in breadcrumbs and in the url structure. But both pages show the same thing. Is there any way to cancel or fix this?

Main Forum URL:

Forum Home Page URL:

Home Page

Main Forum

Thank you,

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Hi @t-niron,

If I understood the issue correctly this CSS code should fix it:

body.wpft-forum #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-head-bar {
    padding: 0;
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@robert helllo,

Sorry for my late reply. Probably my registered email is not valid right now and I did not receive a notification.

Thank you for the code snippet. But this didn't solve my problem. Probably my poor English prevents me from expressing myself correctly.

I sent you 2 links. Both links point to the same page even though the url is different because I only have one main forum. In other words, both the Forum home page and the main forum page show the same page, which means extra clicks.

Forum Home Page

Main Forum Page Same Like Home Page

Thank you

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First start by removing ANY PAGE Caching from wpForo (Rocket in your case), as per here:

Be sure you did that correctly by checking the end of your html source in your browser.

Second: RankMath has overtaken wpForo SEO and i'm not sure it works right with wpForo. Probably not.


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@dimalifragis hello,

My problem is not the cache 🙂 My problem is that when there is only one main forum category it appears twice in the breadcrumb and adding a main category is mandatory. The sample URL structure is currently like this;

/Forum and /Main-Forum-Category are on the same page here because I have only one category.

In /Category-Name the user sees the following in the top breadcrumb;

Home Icon/Main Forum Category/Category Name

But here /Home Icon and /Main forum Category are already the same page.

What I want to do is remove the /Main-Forum-Categor structure from both the url and bredcrupm.

Please take another look at the attached images and url structure.

Thank you

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Well, i offered some real help, still if you do not care ...... it is your site, nothing mor ei can do. ALL your forum metas are OFF (the same in all topics).


Good luck.

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@dimalifragis hello,

I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you answered my question, but then I realized you were giving advice for another problem. I made the necessary arrangements. Thanks for the warning.