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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] User should see forum, but no topics in this forum. Is this possible?

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i have several forum. The forum "Elite" should be shown to everybody. Also Members and Guests. They should know that this forum exists (like all other forums). But they should not be able to access this forum and see the topics inside by clicking on the forum name "Elite". When they click on the name there should be a information "You dont have permission to access this forum....". Something like this.

What i have tried:
I have created a new authorization in the WPForo setting named "can only see forum" with just the option "can see forum" checked. The option "can see topics" is unchecked. Then in the forum permissions i have selected this permission for the member user. Although when i log in as a normal member, i am able to see the forum AND the topics inside this forum as well.  

Maybe you can help me with my requirements. I hope it is possible to realize it with wp foro.

Thanks for your support in advance.

Best regards from Germany

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Hi @sascha,

You've done all settings correctly. Probably it's just a cache issue. Please try to delete all caches and check again. 

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hi @sofy

thanks for your reply. 
i have already updated all caches, but the issue is still there.

in this post, someone else had the same question/issue like i have. There your answer was, that woforo works this way:

Now i am a litte bit confused?! Is it meant to work this way or not? 

Unfortunately i have recognized another issue. Any normal member in my forum has the CAN "Can See E-Mail of other users" but when i visit any memeber profile with a normal member account, no email is shown... is this a bug?

Best regards an thank for your support.