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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] WP Rocket and wpforo

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What i need to exclude so the tiny editor works fine,

and what to exclude for wpforo cache to work as it should ?

I have problems with these 2, tiny mice is with out bar and when i post in forum it is showing in last posts widget but not in the forum.

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Posts: 10549
Posted by: @central4allgmail-com

What i need to exclude so the tiny editor works fine,

and what to exclude for wpforo cache to work as it should ?

I have problems with these 2, tiny mice is with out bar and when i post in forum it is showing in last posts widget but not in the forum.


As we always say, you should exclude the whole forum page. The main forum page with apostrophe if the WP Rock supports. For example if WP Rock has an option to exclude it this way, just do that:


If not, the base path should be enough:

Posts: 4585
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Hi @central4allgmail-com,

Do you see any error report in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug > Error & Issues tab?