Just tried to use this tool to migrate my old PHPBB3 forum, I followed all the instructions to the letter.
Fresh install of wordpress
Fresh install of WpForo
Installed migration plugin
Moved the avatars and file attachments as advised
Pointed migration tool to the database
I get OK green to go on all settings.
When I execute the migration it fails with the following message :-
Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system
Not sure what it means by that!
The tool connected to my PHPbb3 database OK.
It found the avatar and files (attachments) paths where I moved them.
So what is the problem?
It cannot find your phpBB database tables. Where are your phpBB database tables? have you set correct database connection to phpBB database on the first step?
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Hi Robert
Yes as I mentioned in my post I filled in all the database credentials and it happily connects to the database. The tool then proceeds to the next step advising about the avatars and files ( attachments) I point it to the folder path and its then gives me a green light to proceed with a full bank of OK's.
Then it fails as indicated with the message shown above. How can it connect to the Db in the first step then state it cannot find the board in the latter stage.
Yes as I mentioned in my post I filled in all the database credentials and it happily connects to the database.
Where are your phpBB database tables? Are they in the WordPress Database?
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No why would the phpbb3 database tables be in a "wordpress" database?
My old PHPBB3 forum is a standalone forum, its filesystem and database exist on the same host as my wordpress install that I wish it to migrate to.
old forum on phpbb3 http://www.forum.radios-tv.co.uk/index.php
New empty Wordpress and WpForo install awaiting to receive the above http://vrat.co.uk/community
Ok,Thank you @cmw14,
I think the tool cannot connect to your phpBB database or something so. First please deactivate the tool and activate it again. Then make sure you fill table prefix of phpBB database correctly. This error only comes when the tools SQL queries returns zero forums, topics and posts.
And please leave a screenshot of the Statistic Section on the 3rd step of migration, I want make sure it finds all phpBB Forums, topics and Posts.
Also please let me know which phpBB version you're trying to migrate?
In case you want to say thank you !)
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Hi Robert.
I removed and reinstalled the tool and this time I've had success. 👍
My old PHPbb3 now resides in a nice brand new WpForo installation, very pleased about that.
Advice Required
The forum I migrated today, I started on phpbb3 back in 2011. Around 2016 I wanted to move over to Wpforo but at the time there wasn't the migration tool to do it so I closed the phpbb3 forum and started a new one on Wpforo. All my members came over to the new but kept asking when the old forum might be updated. I've been patiently waiting for the migration tool and today that patience paid off when you guys released the support for phpbb3 migration.
Now I have my old forum (70,000+ posts) on WpForo and the one I started in 2016 (20,000+ posts) on Wpforo. Wheat I would really now like to do is merge them into one forum... reunification so to speak!
Everything is at one host on a pro server hosting package.
Would you guys be able to provide a script to merge the two into one, preferably the one I migrated today(70,000+ post) into the other one (20,000+ posts).
I'm prepared to pay for your services, hope you can help
Hi cmw14,
As far as I understand you've created a new wpForo forum and also migrated your phpBB forum to new wpForo. Now you'd like to merge this two forums. If so, please follow these steps:
- close your forum until you've finished this process.
- backup your website database, all WordPress tables with wp_.
Please note wp_ is just a default WordPress database table prefix, your database cannot use this prefix (wp_wpforo_ tables is required) - download the new Go2wpForo version
- activate go2wpForo
- start the migration process to the current website (there is a wpForo with which you are going to merge the old forum)
5.1During the users' migration process there won't be users duplication. This means that if it finds the user with email@email.com (that already exists in your new wpForo forum) it won't create the new user it will merge the content with this user content.
5.2 If the user changes his/her email and you know that this user already has an account your new forum you can simply merge the contents as well. Info here:
https://wpforo.com/docs/root/members/member-manager/#action-buttons - After this, you'll find the new migrated category.
Here you can manage whatever you like. You can delete those or merge with the forum that already exists. Please note you can only manage each forum
http://www.screencast.com/t/nO8HtwlQ - Then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click on all the buttons of Maintenance section (delete cache, reset statistic, etc...)
In case you want to say thank you 😊
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Hi Sofy.
Thanks for the response and advice, however I'm probably being stupid but I cannot see how I would use the go2wpforo tool to merge my two wpForo sites into one. The tool only has options for migrating from other platforms to wpForo ( see below) not wpforo to wpforo.
Just to confirm what I'm trying to achieve.
I have two wordpress installations with two Wpforo forums, I need to merge them into one forum. Both exist on the same pro hosted server.
I would like the newly migrated site (site 1) merged into the one I started two years ago (site 2). Data below.
Site 1 : This is the site was migrated yesterday from PHPbb3 to WpForo
Running on wordpress 4.9.8
running Wpforo 1.5.3
This site has 67.7K posts, 4,312 topics
Site 2 : This is the Wpforo site I've been running for the last two years. I want the site above merged into this one.
Running on wordpress 4.9.8
running Wpforo 1.5.3
running wpforo plugins:
advanced attachments, Ads manager, custom fields, cross posting, embeds and polls
This site has 18.5K posts. 1.408 topics
Or are you saying I need to run the migration again? That I should install the go2wpforo tool on site 2 (www.radio-tv.co.uk) and migrate the phpbb3 forum directly into it. That it will not cause any problems with existing content.
Sorry If I'm not understanding, if you can help to explain a little further it would really help.
Thanks I understand and have completed the task. 👍
Thanks I understand and have completed the task. 👍
Can you please tell me what you understood?I'm confused because as you mentioned in the second to last post "The tool only has options for migrating from other platforms to wpForo ( see below) not wpforo to wpforo."

If you want to Migrate wpForo to a new domain just follow the instruction provided in this support topic: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/move-to-new-domain-2/