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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to add the "image" button to mce toolbar editor?

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What did your  edit the functions "function topic_form($forumid)" and  "function reply_form($args)" on plugin file class-template.php. Let me Know... I'm also facing same issues

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hi @rajraj if you have the latest version of WPforo, just add the following filter to your functions.php (in your theme). No need to edit files in the plugin folder. Realize that you can remove and add buttons, and even TinyMCE plugins

//filter MCE buttons for WPFORO

add_filter( 'wpforo_editor_settings', 'editarbotoes_wpforoeditor');
function editarbotoes_wpforoeditor( $buttons ) {

$buttons['tinymce']['toolbar1'] = 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,forecolor,bullist,numlist,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,link,unlink,blockquote,emoticons,image,media';

$buttons['tinymce']['plugins'] = 'hr,lists,media,textcolor,wpemoji,wplink,image';

return $buttons;

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Hi moisb,

First of all i would like to say thank for Reply.. Your code working perfectly, but i can't able to browser that file. That option is not showing in Popup. Now, What I want to do for that Option. Pls check my attachment, then u come to know what  issues i facing

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for this you will need a bit more code and customization:

I suggest you hiring a developer 😉 

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Hi Moisb,

Thank you for suggestion. I'm also developer only i'm a beginner of this WordPress. i seen your link and other solution also but i'm little confusion where i want to paste that code that's why i ask that question. Please help me to solve that issues.

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He means a direct edit of /wp-content/themes/youractivethemename/functions.php. (Much caution required).

Or you can use a plugin like Code Snippets ( ) which is a bit safer and convenient.

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Thank You for your reply verek.

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