We've just released wpForo 1.9.7 version.
We've done some important improvement in database queries, the profile social network fields are updated, and the Q&A forum layout has been improved with QAPage schema. In addition, lots of bugs are fixed.
Important update notes
- After the update, please delete all caches.
- If you have a Minifier/Optimizer plugins please delete all caches.
- If you use CDN and found some issues please purge it.
- Some JS and CSS files are changed, please refresh (press Ctrl+F5) on forum front-end twice to reset browser cache, otherwise you'll see crashed design.
Main Changes
QAPage schema to wpForo Q&A Forum Layout
Now, forum Q&A layout topics/questions are eligible to have a rich result displayed on the search results page. More information: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/qapage
Validation example: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwpforo.com%2Fcommunity%2Fqa-layout-how-to-and-troubleshooting%2Fchange-topic-category%2F&user_agent=1
Social Network fields in forum profiles are updated
- Removed: ICQ, AOL IM, Google+, Yahoo, MSN
- Added: LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, VKontakte
Admins are now able to manage user subscriptions in user's My Profile > Subscriptions Tab.
- Added: MySQL 8 Compatibility
- Added: Social Network fields in forum profiles are updated
- Removed: ICQ, AOL IM, Google+, Yahoo, MSN
- Added: LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, VKontakte
- Added: Hooks on user banning / unbanning actions
- Added: User banning do_action('wpforo_after_ban_user', $userid);
- Added: User unbanning do_action('wpforo_after_unban_user', $userid);
- Added: Hooks to set custom timeout for forum top/right pop-up messages
- Added: Forum hook wpforo_notice_timeout_success
- Added: Forum hook wpforo_notice_timeout_error
- Added: Built-in forum memory cache is improved
- Added: Adds space after @nickname on clicking [reply] button
- Added: Admins are now able to manage user subscriptions in user's My Profile > Subscriptions Tab
- Added: QAPage schema to wpForo Q&A Forum Layout.
- Fixed Bug: Redirection issue when URL contains TCP port other than 80
- Fixed Bug: Sub-forums are not displayed in threaded layout (MySQL 8 issue)
- Fixed Bug: Clean -spoiler- shortcode from recent posts list
- Fixed Bug: Backslash before all apostrophes in emails
- Fixed Bug: Secure redirection, switched to wp_safe_redirect()
- Fixed Bug: Problem with spoiler, crashing post content and forum layout
- Fixed Bug: Incorrect last login information for inactive users
- Fixed Bug: Reduced DB queries and some duplicated SQLs are removed
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Thanks you for QAPage schema to wpForo Q&A Forum Layout! 🙂
SosMatematica.it - La #1 social community per richiedere/offrire aiuto GRATUITO su argomenti di matematica e fisica
Added: QAPage schema to wpForo Q&A Forum Layout.
I think it's a little late. 🙄
Added: LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, VKontakte
So is this
Thank you...
@pesimist57 Better late than never!
Are you a paid user of Wpforo? Have add ons and all that? Or just like to come here and complain about something you use for free?
These guys do an amazing job with this software! I have watched it develop for over 2 years and every time they make a new update it gets better.
Thanks to the team for all the hard work they put in.
Check out my Wpforo forum, lots of customisations and add ons 🙂
Percys Grow Room
@percysgrowroom You are ahead of me. Thanks to the Team of WPForo.
In case you use LaTex math plugins in your forum, we recommend put this hook code in the functions.php file of your current WordPress active theme to avoid Q&A Schema parsing issues:
add_filter('wpforo_seo_meta_tags', 'wpforo_latext_filter_for_seo_tags');
function wpforo_latext_filter_for_seo_tags( $content ){
$pth = array( '|\$\$|', '|\$(\p{L})|u', '|(\p{L})\$|u', '|\\\text\{([^\}]+)\}|', '|\}\$|', '|\$\\\|', '|\\\pm|', '|\\\times|', '|\\\div|', '|\\\mathrm\{~?(\w{1,3})\}|', '|\\\Rightarrow|', '|\\\Leftarrow|', '|\\\cdot|', '|\\\right\)|', '|\\\left\(|', '|=\$\$=|', '|\\\(\p{L}+)\s?|', '|\\\|' );
$rep = array( ' ', '$1', '$1', ' $1 ', '}', '\\', '+/-', 'x', '/', '$1', '=>', '<=', '.', ')', '(', ' = ', ' $1 ', '' );
$content_fixed = preg_replace($pth, $rep, $content);
if( $content_fixed ) return $content_fixed;
return $content;
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.