I have been stuck trying to choose between bbPress and wpForo, and no contest, wpForo is way ahead in looks and general functionality.
However, the groups management of wpForo is nothing more than roles and permissions and not real groups from the sense of completely segregated groups. I have read threads where you are trying to make out that groups is there, but I don't agree with this:
- https://wordpress.org/support/topic/promising-but-user-management-is-not-there-yet/
- https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/users-in-multiple-groups-possible/
Trying to manage groups the way we want to using this your roles-like groups will be a huge head-ache.
bbPress is even worse in not having a groups management feature, but there is a plugin that integrates with bbPress to provide this feature:
I see that you are now integrated with Ultimate Member which also has groups management, but I think the integration is only limited to profiles management ... or is there any integration on a group level ? (probably not)
So, well done and thank you for this awesome software, but without proper groups management, it's hard to use it for many use cases. I hope you reconsider providing this feature, or at least consider adding a plugin for those who may be interested in this feature. I would definitely be interested in paying for it.
Thanks and best regards
Hi @goonz,
As far as I see you're not talking abut the Usergroups. The Usergroup is only designed for granting forum accesses in certain forum as it's explained here: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/
I think you're asking for the Discussion Groups (Group Forums) so people can join to that group and the group administrator can invite or remove Group Participators. Am I correct?
If so, this is a large and separate feature that is listed in our to-do list and planned for 2.x.x version of wpForo. We may consider to work on this sooner but I cannot provide any ETA yet.
There are also custom development service provided by our gVectors Team. They can create this addon for payment. You can contact them via sales[at]gvectors.com email address.
Is there anything new about this?
Any eta?