@robert Thanks again for caring. The "never cache"-rules were implemented already for some time. Nevertheless, I deleted the WPRocket cache plus the W...
@tutrix Thanks for caring. Unfortunately, this did not change anything ...
@dimalifragis Thanks for caring. /participants/" is already excluded in WPRocket, like the other pages that need to be excluded (Robert gave a hint)
@robert Thanks for caring again. Yes, all usergroups were and are set to zero. I'll move the topic to GVectors.
@tutrix Thanks for caring! But as I wrote, it is set to zero for group "members" to remove the limit, and the member should be able to post 30 attachm...
@robert Thanks again for the quick help, your advice solved the problem, "/participants/" was not excluded in WPRocket.
@chris Hi, thanks for caring. Snippet is ready and waiting for a testmail to come 😎
@verek I tried both, post_body and topic_body. Did not see any difference, unfortunately.
@chris How can I send you the credentials? Or you simple register with a username and password.
@verek Thanks, very helpful. Was not that way before in 1.9.x.
@dimalifragis I joined your thread.