Reputable Member
Topics: 15 / Replies: 264
RE: How to add Extra Text in "post topic" or "reply" box???

Hi @doktorek , I looked at your attached screenshot above, and thought I'd type out a suggestion you can try. Have you tried the wpForo's "Phra...

4 years ago
RE: I will love it, if the image we add on the post shows

Hi @9ja2geez , Robert has also shared the code discussed in the thread below. I've used it and it still works with current version 1.8.4. (I have ...

4 years ago
RE: User profile permissions

Hi @thomastees , When you are logged in as an Admin, you can change the Usergroups of any member. But if you log - in as the "Registered Member", t...

4 years ago
RE: How to update WPforo

Hi @freeman291187 , Here's how to update your WpForo 1.7.7 Go to WordPress Dashboard Click Plugins Click Installed Plugins Then you will...

4 years ago
RE: wpforo custom theme

Hi @hakira , Have you tried the Forum setting which will "disable WordPress on front-end. Only forum pages and excluded post/pages will be availabl...

4 years ago
RE: How do we set character limits for the Display Name Field and the Nickname fields?

Hi @alvina, Thanks for responding and getting your developers to look into this. In the meantime, I have temporarily used the code below to hide the ...

4 years ago
RE: How to delete a Phrase?

You're welcome @mplusplus . 🙂

4 years ago
RE: How To Add A Banner to Forum Main Page At Top

Hi @rburwell, You can add your logo, and most WordPress Themes have that functionality. You can check this by going to WordPress Dashboard Ap...

4 years ago
RE: Some forum avatars missing after migration to new domain

Hi @homdax, Have you tried to look at the Error logs? 1) Forum Dashboard2) Tools3) Select Debug tab4) Under Debug Information, select Errors &a...

4 years ago
RE: How to delete a Phrase?

Hi @mplusplus, Maybe you can also try to replace the phrase you want to not display to a period? Just go to... 1) Forum Dashboard2) Phrases3) ...

4 years ago
RE: Forum not showing on page

    Hi @astridff,  What is your MySQL Version?  You can find this information on  1) Forum Dashboard  2) S...

4 years ago
RE: Forum search not working as expected

Test scenario #4: If the two keywords "SearchIt123" and "Again"  are typed and on the Search Type dropdown, select "Find Topics by...

4 years ago
RE: Forum search not working as expected

Test scenario #3: If the two keywords "SearchIt123" and "Again"  are typed and placed in quotation marks, like so "SearchIt123 Again"  i...

4 years ago
RE: Forum search not working as expected

Test scenario #2: Two Keywords returns the first keyword "SearchIt123" correctly,  But the second keyword "Again" returns all instances of...

4 years ago
RE: Forum search not working as expected

Forum search not working as expected Hi @upstartdm,  I've also updated to the latest version 1.8.2.  What I have tested (me and my tea...

4 years ago
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