Trusted Member
Topics: 12 / Replies: 25
RE: Users become inactive when changing passwords

Hi (@guitarnoise), I had a similar problem. Did you check the Forum settings? Login & Registration --> Enable User Manually Approval System...

2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1409
RE: Login and Register buttons

Thank you @robert, @dimalifragis Just an update: When clearing the Chrome cache the "all time" option must be selected. Otherwise, the same issue k...

2 years ago
RE: Login and Register buttons

Thank you @robert, @dimalifragis I did exactly what you said. Before I deleted the SG optimizer I checked that all suggested URL paths with wildcar...

2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 631
RE: Avatars

@chris I turned this option on and off (and cleaned the cache) but there was no effect or change. I also turned each option of this plugin one by...

2 years ago
RE: Avatars

@chris I just realized that SiteGround Optimizer plugin is somehow interfering. Whenever I deactivate the plugin the Avatars show on each page, how...

2 years ago
RE: Avatars

Thank you @chris The forum and the contents are password protected. @kyle has the admin credentials for my website in case you would like to hav...

2 years ago
2 years ago
RE: HOw to add my separate boards onto separate pages

Thank you @chris I can't follow the documentation with the latest version of wpForo and as (@becca) also mentioned an update would be really great...

2 years ago
RE: Moderator Assignment

Hi all. I solved it by creating 3 additional Editor Roles (Editor A, B, C) with the Editor user roles and Sync works. (I installed The User Role Edi...

2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 797
RE: HOw to add my separate boards onto separate pages

@chris, I would like to move my boards to separate pages but I could not manage to set each board on each page. [insert page='page-slug|ID' displ...

2 years ago
RE: HOw to add my separate boards onto separate pages

Hi @becca @adelleking @chris I am trying the same to separate each board (forum) on the new private page and open only with forum member Log-in. I ...

2 years ago
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