I really like the simplified layout, clean, elegant, etc. The only point I wanted to bring over was just the number of posts under the avatar of the p...
Thank you for this, but my users asked if this could be also adjusted on how long it shows. Right now it is set for 1 hour, but how can I change this ...
I have a question regarding this. I just migrated from PhpBB to wpForo. I am having to clean up a bunch of random conversion eorros. Each page I edit ...
I have a similar problem coming from phpBB where smilies didn't transfer over. In looking at the source code it is looking for: <img title="fisti...
Okay so after playing around with this I found that the problem was the background image with the up and down arrows. There is a line in the image. I ...
Okay, so that others in the future reading this know I installed the Change User Roll plugin and created a new Moderator user roll. I made this read-o...
So I had BBPress installed and leftover user roles that were confusing me as there was a "Moderator" user role. I just used the following to remove ...
I really am a bit confused about these navigation controls with the up & down arrows. In the same browser, Firefox, your support forum just has a ...
Is there a way to hide the "last post" button if there is no way to fix the fact that when going away and coming back it always drops you to the botto...
Dear Robert, Thank you for the warm welcome and all of the help. Makes me feel good about using WPForo. I will leave a good review on the plugin page ...