@sison2466 Hi I stopped using Wordfence in December because it was so unpredictable and after doing some research, I discovered it really didn't do ...
@sofy Okay, thanks.I added a new user directly from WP Admin (i.e. not through wpForo membership) and I had the same problem. If I deactivate Elemento...
As expected, Elementor were no help. As soon as they see that a third-party plugin is involved, they close the case!The only way I can get it to work ...
@sofy Great, thanks.I've contacted them and tried Elementor 'Safe Mode' and deactivating all plugins except Elementor/Pro but there's no change.
.... Screenshot-209.png
Okay, with a little experimentation, I've done it.I used:#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-newest-member a{color: #c60000 !important;}and#wp...
Maybe there's some sort of conflict with Elementor. I'll try fiddling around with the codes and see if I can get something to happen. Thanks for your ...
.... Screenshot-207.png
.... Screenshot-206.png
Correction:I just looked at the code in 'Inspect' and now 'Currently viewing this topic 1 user' and the member's name have both changed colour, but on...
@sofy Exactly the same result as in my previous message.This is the code I used to successfully change 'Our newest member:', in case it helps:#wpforo ...
@sofy No, both of those screenshots are without your code.If I add thiscode: #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-topic-visitors p.wpf-viewing-users a {color:#8...
Screenshot attached Screenshot-200.png
@sofy HiThanks for the quick response. This CSS changed the colour of the wording 'Currently viewing this topic 1 user( ), but not the nam...
@robert Thanks. I'll hit 'ignore' on the next scan.