Reputable Member
Topics: 71 / Replies: 212
RE: What happened to the "old pictures"?

Thanks Robert. Thats the exact answer I was looking for. Not because others do not explain themselves properly, but because my English its not great e...

2 years ago
RE: What happened to the "old pictures"?

Thanks Chris. So, not to confuse you mixing many different things Should I understand for your words, that, if I wanted, regardless of any other fac...

2 years ago
RE: What happened to the "old pictures"?

Thanks Chris BUT, will they work FOR SURE even "recovering" the old pictures that are not longer there after the new update of WPForo? I mean, I rea...

2 years ago
RE: What happened to the "old pictures"?

Do you meant, that if I buy the plugin again, this will work with this new update, AND, do you know if this will automatically show my all the picture...

2 years ago
RE: What happened to the "old pictures"?

Thanks mate Probably I wouldnt had to as you say. To be honest, by now, I don't remember if self-updated itself or if, more likely, I got an update ...

2 years ago
RE: Whats new?, What happened? Sorry Im very lost

@chris thanks Chris πŸ™‚ Im already working on the new theme, so, NEW QUESTIONS regarding just to "my old css code" 1 - IF I return temporarily to t...

2 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1188
RE: Whats new?, What happened? Sorry Im very lost

and another question please: I just check the CSS code Personalised and all the different pieces of codes that you guys gave me on the past are tota...

2 years ago
RE: Whats new?, What happened? Sorry Im very lost

Thanks πŸ™‚ Well, I will need to invest sometime in see how it works - this things are always a bit confusing - but so far I can tell you ITS NOT WORK...

2 years ago
RE: So many ad accout registered in my forum!

Well thats true. Because my forum its quite and because with my own problem it has sorted it all so well and quick, I just assumed were working very w...

4 years ago
RE: So many ad accout registered in my forum!

Im not following you now Kevin.... it should not prevent prevent legimitate real uses to registre, or so I hope πŸ˜€

4 years ago
RE: So many ad accout registered in my forum!

All of them Kevin I personally, so far, im trying CleanTalk free BUT i will not hesitate the paid versiΓ³n if it was needed I downloaded the free v...

4 years ago
RE: Help getting Forum on front page

Hi, Im not sure if Im understanding your question correctly.... if I have,all you need to do its to creat a new page, add this shortcode as seen in th...

4 years ago
RE: How to add a custom message on WPforo login page

@tutrix Hi mate. Something very strange happened to me in your forum the other day. For not apparent reason, out of nowhere, I found myself baneed fro...

4 years ago
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