@martin @chris Yes I understand this. I know the short URL. As I suggest, this is a great function for people who are writing in another languag...
I think it's working.. Thank you @chris
The code work for sometimes but not it's not displaying images for few posts. I have already added the code in function.php file. You can see the exam...
@dimalifragis yes. but I really want solution for this. Removed WP optimize.
try to share any post from this forum on social media. the title is not grabbing on social media. this is wired.
Nice reply. Well it was working fine earlier. After updates of wpforo. it got buried. Anyway thanks
I have done this twice and using the SEO framework now. Removed the Yoast and also shared the new pages in the Social Media.
I have done everthing but it's still not working in that way. Also, can i use dynamic URL for the topics?
See, it's not showing title on OG tags. Also, not on Search Engines. Not in the title of browser as well. I think Yoast SEO has overridden the setti...
not able to edit the questions but can edit topics. Why?
I did that twice but still no response... Also, my forum name is different than its showing on the page title. If I deactivate the Yoast..it shoes m...
Okay..i'll wait for that... But A new problem is emerged up on the forum. Earlier my topics are showing as page title and indexing on Google. Now, M...
@alvina Here is the login details. username - test use this key to login - uktest01 I have de-minify the java and it working fine now... but...
@alvina Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Settings >Forum Accesses admin page edit the Standard access and make sure the follow...