Yes, the latest version of wpforo. Thank you! In the phrase was this - {number}. I remove it and everything was fine. Another question: in the message...
All the same, no change. I updated the statistics, cleared the cache.
1. Go to WordPress "forums" - forums. There, the sections move easily. Clamp the mouse with the desired partition and move it. 2. The menu changes in ...
Maybe you need to reinstall wpforo. I also had strange ones "?" after the upgrade - the reinstallation helped.
Unconfirmed messages are visible to everyone - it's the way it should be?
The same problem, only unconfirmed posts are visible to all and can be answered (quoted).
Remove this css code: \content e012 Screenshot_1.jpg
Previous version 1.4.3
It's clear, use the comment plugin. In the standard version, it does not work. Previous version wpforo - screenshot_11 Screenshot_11.png
Look. Could it be that the avatars replace only the picture in the discussions? Screenshot_9.png As you requested. Screenshot_10.png
Now I made another 1 site with a standard theme. In discussions, avatars change outwardly, but in practice they remain standard. Previously, the probl...
Most likely you do not have mail configured. But help in this I can not. I have everything working "password recovery". Try the plugin "CB Change Mail...
With the version of WordPress 4.9.1 also avatars do not work.Version 4.8.4 is the penultimate version. Next 4.9.1In the previous version of wpforo it ...
I checked on 2 completely different sites. Avatars do not work in WordPress 4.8.4. One site was on a local hosting. Parameters included. Cache plugins...