Reputable Member
Topics: 47 / Replies: 179
RE: wpForo beta version is released for beta testers!

I would also like to be a beta tester. Thank you for the opportunity. 🙂

3 years ago
RE: How do I Integrate Buddypress with Wpforo

I wouldn't hold out too much hope for this feature, but it seems like it might be on the table for future release as an addon. It's been requested sev...

3 years ago
RE: Land Surveyors Community

Yes, I use the wpForo Private Messages addon. I find it to be a bit annoying and hard to use. Nobody has complained about it. Yes, they us...

3 years ago
RE: Can anyone showcase their website that uses the cross post addon for WPForo?

My site uses wpForo for the forum system, yes. If you compare it to this forum here at wpForo, it's pretty much the same except for changes in colors ...

3 years ago
3 years ago
RE: Advanced File Attachments no longer works.

To be perfectly clear, I've also cleared all server caches, wpForo caches and my own local browser caches. Here's a screencast to show the upload proc...

3 years ago
RE: Advanced File Attachments no longer works.

Yes, I believe this is a problem since the WordPress 5.9 release. I'm having the same exact problem since WordPress automatically updated my site (I r...

3 years ago
RE: Custom badge "icons" and widget recent "by"

Bringing this to the top because it would be really great if we could use our own custom icons for member reputation. It's great that you can choose a...

3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 963
RE: Ultimate Member integration - Social activity

I think what @leo2112 might be looking for is forum activities to show up in Ultimate Member's Social Activity, the same way it works in BuddyPress.

3 years ago
RE: Anchor links to quoted posts

@chris Wow! Thank you for this. 🙂 I've implemented it with a custom functions plugin and it works great. If I may be so bold, do you think it ...

3 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1122
RE: Delete user with all of his topics and posts

I went ahead and restored the site back to just before I deleted the user. What do I need to do to delete the user AND all of his topics and posts? ...

3 years ago
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