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[Closed] Google Not Indexing My Forums

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The rest of my site had no problem getting indexed.

For some reason, my forum pages (even the topic index pages), don't get indexed.

Submitted the sitemap to Google Search console and they are discovering the URLs, but not indexing any of them.

Any particular reason this might be happening.  When I used vbulletin, all my URL's would get indexed immediately.  

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Hi Louie,

wpForo has no any issue with indexing, even more it's well organized for Search Engines and the built-in site map helps too.

Any particular reason this might be happening. When I used vbulletin, all my URL's would get indexed immediately.

There is no any reason from wpForo side. I think you just need to wait more and check your website in blacklists. Maybe recently google stops indexing your site for other reasons. I have no information how to check website in blacklists you should find them in Google Search.

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I think you just need to wait more and check your website in blacklists. I have no information how to check website in blacklists you should find them in Google Search.


Maybe recently google stops indexing your site for other reasons.

Almost every forum was always automatically indexed for 15 years using vbulletin

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Did you find a solution? I am having the same problem.

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Posted by: forouser

Did you find a solution? I am having the same problem.

Solution for what ?

If google doesn't want/like/rank your site or forum, there is a very slow or even zero indexing.

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Posted by: Anonymous20
Posted by: forouser

Did you find a solution? I am having the same problem.

Solution for what ?

If google doesn't want/like/rank your site or forum, there is a very slow or even zero indexing.

My website has only about us page, home page and forum page. Both the home and about us page indexed except the forum page, even if I typed the url directly in the search engine. I am wondering if some plugins that I installed are interfering with Wpforo.

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it may take 2-3 months until google will index your site.

it is a long process, have a cigar and coffee 🙂   

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This is what I got when submitting two URLs to Google search console, one is the Forum page and the other is the About page:

For the Forum page: 

URL is not on Google
This page is not in the index, but not because of an error. See the details below to learn why it wasn't indexed.
Coverage: Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical
Referring page: None detected
Crawl: Last crawl Dec 23, 2018, 8:50:42 PM
Crawled as: Googlebot desktop
Crawl allowed?: Yes
Page fetch: Successful
Indexing allowed?: Yes
For the About page:
URL is on Google
It can appear in Google Search results (if not subject to a manual action or removal request) with all relevant enhancements.
Coverage: Submitted and indexed
Referring page:  (mywebsite url)
Last crawl: Dec 16, 2018, 8:51:12 PM
Crawled as: Googlebot desktop
Crawl allowed?: Yes
Page fetch: Successful
Indexing allowed?: Yes
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