Hi all, I am just wondering, does any one disable wpforo cache, and cache the forum using a different plug in? If so does it work? What cache plug in do you use?
Thanks in advance for any input 🙂
Hi @percysgrowroom,
I'm sorry but there is not any cache plugins which can keep the dynamic changes of wpForo forum page. And this FAQ topic is still actual: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
In addition, you can use Autoptimize plugin to minimize/optimize wpForo JS/CSS files.
In addition, you can use Autoptimize plugin to minimize/optimize wpForo JS/CSS files.
How can i do this mate? every time i have used Autoptimise, it has left me with errors on my site. Not major ones, but when i "inspect" the site it has errors when i use it.
I see you use Fastest Cache also. Because the developer of Fastest Cache is at war with Fast Velocity optimizer, you must:
Disable ALL optimizations of Fastest Cache, disable it, enable and tune Fast Velocity, and re-enable Fastest cache.
Otherwise Fastest cache can't save the options and complains about Fast Velocity plugin.