Just upgraded to wpForo 1.8.0
Followed all the instructions to completely rebuild JS, CSS, and all cache files
Just tried to "EDIT POST" and the spinner sits there forever (verified in both Microsoft Edge and FireFox). Checked the developer console, and saw the AJAX JS failing. (see uploaded image).
Please fix this as soon as you can. Thanks! Dan
Hi @dlinstedt,
Please update to 1.8.1 version. Then delete all caches again, purge CDN if you have and use a private session of browser when you testing.
I did as requested. And still have the issue. Something is "calling" the ajax function with incorrect parameters, or the PHP on the server side is returning a less than ideal result. If there is something else I can "capture" for you to help you pinpoint this problem, please let me know.
OR: if I need to downgrade to 1.7.x please let me know - but then, I also need instructions (because I think?? there were database changes to upgrade to v.1.8?
Hi Robert,
I updaded to 1.8.1
Cleaned all caches
And still have problems with the AJAX not working right.
I checked your errors & issues tab - and it says: no errors, no issues.
I will check the web-log to see if there is anything there - are there any specific keywords I should look for? As I said before, it appears to be an XHR return value that's causing the problem. By the way, I see the same problem with the "notifications" pull down- it spins, then reports no new notifications - when I know I have more than one active.
If it would help, let me know if you want a login to my staging site to track this down.
BUT: I am wondering: can I safely downgrade to 1.7.x?? or will that cause more issues?
BY THE WAY: Fatal Error Notify sent me this, after clicking on the DEBUG tab - looks like you have another bug in your code:
Error notification
For site https://datavaultalliance.com&source=gmail&ust=1595937306019000&usg=AFQjCNEzEUBIPGRbIghUEd1ctGK0mBZDe g"> https://datavaultalliance.com
- Error Level: E_WARNING
- Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- File:https://datavaultalliance.com/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php?file%3Dwpforo%252Fwpf-admin%252Ftools-tabs%252Fdebug.php%26plugin%3Dwpforo%252Fwpforo.php&source=gmail&ust=1595937306019000&usg=AFQjCNHo8hep07k7R3ELehLelDZKUjrGf Q"> /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-admin/tools-tabs/debug.php
- Line: 305
- Request: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-tools&tab=debug
- Referrer: https://datavaultalliance.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page%3Dwpforo-tools&source=gmail&ust=1595937306019000&usg=AFQjCNF0EOwLZqQMS6HfFzK1dOvfy6mGm Q"> https://datavaultalliance.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-tools
- User: https://datavaultalliance.com/wp-admin/profile.php&source=gmail&ust=1595937306019000&usg=AFQjCNFwwIztV58qxynmF3vtegnQAHllR g">xxxxxxxxx
Hi @dlinstedt and @andyteslaro,
The problems are founded and fixed. We'll release the fixed 1.8.2 version in a few hours.