Nov 22, 2022 1:46 pm
To specify: My screenhot shows what a test user currently sees in his profile, but what the test user should see is exclusively the TCTN Forum subscription option and none of the ones above that.
Nov 23, 2022 12:40 pm
So if I understand correctly, there is currently no way for me to disable subscription to ASE forum posts for registered usergroup?
Does this mean I have to wait for the new release and then follow your prompts below?
After the Fix, you can do the following
Registered Usergroup Must have two Forum Accesses for two Forums,
- TCTN forum - Forum Access with Can Subscribe Option enabled .
- ASE Supervision forum - Forum Access with Can Subscribe Option disabled.
Users with Granted Secondary Usergroup must have one Forum Access for ASE Supervision forum
- ASE Supervision forum - Forum Access with Can Subscribe Option enabled.
Please let me know if I understood correctly and also when this will be fixed.
Thank you.
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