If I want to post a topic that should be read only by a moderator, I need to post it as a Private Topic. This way, post will be notified by email only to a moderator and will stay private between me and the moderator.
When the moderator posts a reply to this topic, I receive (and only me) an email notification. When I go to the topic –which has been kept private– I can "read" that it has a reply but the reply is not displayed (see attached image).
The only way I can see/read the reply (so far) in a semi-private way is doing the following steps:
- - make the topic temporarily Public (which I would rather avoid)
- - immediately reload browser tab (this makes the reply viewable)
- - immediately make it Private once again. (reply stays visible)
- - if I need to, I can reply to moderator's reply with no problem.
The question now is this:
Is this behavior the "normal" one?
Isn't there a way that I can keep the topic always Private and still view and reply all replies to it?
Hi @jorgew,
Please provide your forum URL.
Hi @chris
After reading the FAQ topic, and as far as the forum is the main application in our site, I realized that I did not need the cache plugin (WP Super Cache Version 1.6.8) so I decided to deactivate it all the way.
- Then I cleared all my browser cookies and caches and deleted "All Caches" in wpForo dashboard. Started a new forum session and went to private topic: replies are being mentioned but NO replies were displayed.
- If I turn it public and reload tab, replies are displayed with no problem. But as soon as I set it to private and reload tab once again, replies disappear.
Here is a list of all active plugins:
bbPress Version 2.5.14
Code Snippets Version 2.12.0
Contact Form 7 Version 4.3
Dynamic To Top Version 3.5.2
Easy WP SMTP Version 1.3.7
iframe Version 4.5
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded Version 2.8.1
TinyMCE Advanced Version 4.0.2
WP Crontrol Version 1.7.1
WP Login Timeout Settings Version 1.1.3
WP Super Cache (deactivated) Version 1.6.8
WP SVG Icons Version 3.2.3
wpForo Version 1.6.1
WPFront User Role Editor Version 2.14.1
YOP Poll Version 6.0.4
- If I turn it public and reload tab, replies are displayed with no problem. But as soon as I set it to private and reload tab once again, replies disappear.
Please always specify the user usergroup who see or cannot see the replies.
If you're talking about the "Registered" Usergroup, then check the following:
1. Edit the forum of that private topic in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page, and check the Forum Accesses. Find the Forum Access name which is selected for Registered usergroup.
2. Edit the Forum Access in Dashboard > Settings > Forum Accesses Tab and make sure the following permissions are enabled, especially the blue marked ones:
- Can view forum
- Can enter forum
- Can create topic
- Can view topic
- Can enter topic
- Can post reply
- Can reply to own topic
- Can view replies
- Can set own topic private
- Can answer own question
If you're talking about the "Moderator" Usergroup, then check the following:
1. Again, edit the forum of that private topic in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page, and check the Forum Accesses. Find the Forum Access name which is selected for Registered usergroup.
2. Edit the Forum Access in Dashboard > Settings > Forum Accesses Tab and make sure the following permissions are enabled, especially the red marked ones:
- Can view forum
- Can enter forum
- Can create topic
- Can view topic
- Can enter topic
- Can post reply
- Can reply to own topic
- Can view replies
- Can set topic private
- Can set own topic private
- Can view private topic
- Can approve/unapprove content
The situation does not relate to admins or even moderators but to regular registered members.
For example: in precisely this wpForo forum, if I –as a regular registered member, not as an admin nor a moderator– set this precise topic (which is my "own topic") to Private and reload browser, your replies as admin (or even as moderator I guess) do not vanish, just as if I set it back to Public and reload. This is exactly the behavior I'm looking for for our own forum.
I think this might be solved by including –as mentioned– the Can view own private topic option in the Forum Accesses settings, option which in my version (1.6.1) is missing.
An additional note: to update/upgrade wpForo is not an option for us for a few very needed customizations we made to 1.6.1.