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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Can I remove "Site Profile" from peoples profiles?

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I would like to remove the "Site Profile" from our forum since we don't use it. 

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You can edit the "Site Profile" text of this link in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page. Just search for that phrase, edit and change it.

In case you want to remove it, you should put this CSS code in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea. Then save it, delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to load new changes:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-pp-shop-menu,
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-pp-site-menu,
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-pp-forum-menu{ display:none; }
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That CSS code didn't work. Did I do it right? I deleted all cache. 

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Ok, I updated the code, please change it and delete all caches with Ctrl+F5 on front-end before checking.

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Nope, still there. Are you sure that is the correct code? 

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Yes, it's correct code, just make sure you've deleted all caches and pressed Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to reload CSS files and reset browser cache.

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Just did, I have tried it a few times but it's still there. 

When you say "delete all caches" I assume you mean this: 

And here is what the custom CCS code field looks like: 

And yes, I did press Ctrl+F5, I even tried it in different browsers and on different devices. 

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Your forum URL please.

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