Hello wpforo,
Today i installed your plugin and like it. Planing to use for my community but;
I have created a forum they i tried to adding a topic but the visual editor opening with style issues. Please see attached file. Why and any solution please?
Hi @trkrtrnx,
It seems there is a plugin conflict.
Could you please deactivate the plugin one by one and check after each deactivation to find the problem maker one.
Hi @trkrtrnx,
Please register some testing user and send the user's login details to info[at]gvectors.com email address.
We're not able to register to your website. Somehow the reset password URL doesn't exist in the message content. So please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Emails Tab, find the "New User Registration Email for user" section and make sure the [set_password_url] shortcode is included in the email content.Β
You should receive an email.
Wouw, it is almost done, only the Heading tag style left near the Bold tag.