I have 7 usergroups, 2 primary, 5 secondary (see screenshot). Earth is default (formerly Registered). I would like to show specific usergroups under the author's avatar, hide specific others. In other words, I always want to show the 'primary' usergroup that the user is in (Admin or Earth), and I want to show three of the five secondary usergroups, if a user is in one of those. I never want the remaining two usergroups to show anywhere. (see screenshot - show all usergroups that the user is in, except Social Media and Team).
I'm unclear on how the settings "Display Usergroup under Post Author Avatar" and "Display Secondary Usergroups under Post Author Avatar" work. I tried selecting the five usergroups that I want to show (see screenshot), but when I test, the usergroups Social Media and Team (which should remain hidden) show up under their Avatar as well. Is this a bug or intended behavior? How can I achieve what I want to accomplish?
Thank you!
Hi @pete,
The Usergroup setting you're talking about hides the part shown on the screenshot below. I mean the Usergroup setting is designed to display/hide Usergroup under post author avatar:
Probably you've not deleted the caches before checking? Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard, admin page, one by one click on the [Delete User Cache] and [Delete All Caches] buttons. If you have other cache plugins installed, please delete those plugins caches as well.
Also please don't forget to press CTRL+F5 on the frontend before checking.
Hi @sofy,
thank you for getting back to me! I tried the things you advised me to do. I adjusted the settings, I deleted all caches after changing the settings and reloaded the front page after doing that. The usergroups still do not show correctly. Please see attached screenshot. I tried two different ways. Here are the usergroup settings for the two users:
User A: Earth, Moderator, Adept, Team, Social Media
User B: Admin, Moderator, Adept, Team, Social Media
Earth and Admin are primary usergroups, the rest are secondary usergroups.
Team and Social Media should never show up under the Avatar, but as you can see in the screenshot, they do (in both setting configurations).
This is an old thread but I'm wanting to show the usergroup underneath the avatar but cannot find where that is. I'm very new to WPforo so would appreciate the breadcrumbs to get there. Thank you.
Thank you!