Just to interject here.
My site is hosted through siteground and I don't have any issues at all as long as I have the two pages set as per installation instructions:
I did have this same problem upon initial installation but this was due to a miss match of URL's
Is your staging URL currently different from your site URL by any chance as I think this would cause similar issues.
I hope this helps.
I am using Gtranslate plugin that has a different subdomain per each language
The above fix made the error disappear but that doesnt help because the topic was not saved into the forum - the page just redirected to itself
And then there s another error -
Failed to load plugin: wpforo_spoiler_button from url https://www.forumrealestateusa.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpforo_spoiler_button/plugin.min.js
Why the plugin doesnt use relative links instead of absolute ones?
The domain www.forumrealestateusa.com is not a real domain but the english version of the site
Is there a way to set a constant HTTP_REFERER of the original domain?
I have tried to comment that entire block to see if it will just not check the referral, but now when posting a topic, the worker wheel just spins for ever
// I have commented the entire section to have the forum enter posts because Gtranslate have differet HTTP_REFERER for each post
// if( $mode == 'ref' || $mode == 'full'){
// if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) {
// //exit('Error 2252 | Please contact to forum admin.');
// }
// $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
// $url = get_bloginfo('url');
// $ref_domain = trim(strtolower(parse_url($ref, PHP_URL_HOST)));
// $web_domain = trim(strtolower(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)));
// if( $ref_domain != $web_domain ){
// //exit('Error 2253 | Please contact to forum admin.');
// }
// }
I see that if I am logged in, the above commenting worked and the post got into the forum
If I am logged out and entering email and name, the post is just disregarded and not being entered and also not going for moderation
If I am logged out and entering email and name, the post is just disregarded and not being entered and also not going for moderation
Please leave the forum URL where this issue occurs.