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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Forum Admins email addresses

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When i add multiple email addresses separated by a comma into the Forum Admins email addresses it only sends to the first one in the list but when a post is reported and not to any of the others, it says that you can "Comma separated email addresses of forum administrators to get forum notifications. For example post report messages"


Can you tell me how to fix this?

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You've inserted wrong addresses, or wrong symbols, or the second email belongs to the topic/post creator and forum doesn't send email notification to topic owner. The owner already see his topic so he should not be notified.

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I inserted additional email addresses separated by a comma in the Forum Admins email addresses as pointed out in your guidelines but it only sends to the first email address, is this not correct? the email addresses i have entered in at the moderators email addresses so that they get a notification when a post is reported.

Can you tell me where i'm going wrong we have 2 moderators that need to receive email notifications to there Gmail accounts when a post is reported.




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Any ideas on this?

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Hi Stuart,

Have the moderators checked the spam folder?

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Yes it's not being put into there Spam, it works fine if i change the email address to another gmail address but won't work when i have multiple email address in the Forum Admins email addresses it only sends to the first email address and not any of the others separated by a comma.

Ie: if i have, in the Forum Admins email addresses it only sends to the first email address, if i put, it only sends an email to

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Any ideas on this?


Can you confirm if this is the correct syntax to enter, for it to be sent to multiple email address when a post report is reported?

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Hi @stuartsheridan,

I think this is your hosting service issue or wrong SMTP configuration issue. First please deactivate all plugins, test it again. If you still have such problems contact your hosting service and let them know about the issue.

If you've configured some SMTP plugin please follow to this support topic:

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But if i put in just the gmail address in the Forum Admins email addresses it sends out, but if i add additional email address it only sends to the first one in the list so that proves that it's not an SMTP issue.

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Please add email address as third email (comma separated) in that field and leave some URL to allow us create a topic and test it.