I suspect my forum "views" counter has stopped working correctly. My recent posts still display zero views although I know they have been visited. Is it possible that I disabled something or could it be some caching issue?
Hi @danniee,
It seems there is a cache issue.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page, click on the [Delete all caches] and [ Delete User Cache] button.
2. If you have a cache plugin installed exclude the wpForo forum page from your cache plugin. Here is good information about that: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
3. Delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend and check again.
Hi and thank you for your help. Following your instructions, I now see that the views have been updated. Great! I can't remember having this issue in the past and I've always used the same cache plugin. Unless I exclude the forum in the cache plugin, will I continue to have this problem?
Is there any way to hide "views"?
Hi again,
I played around with the settings and tried excluding wpforo in WP Rocket, but the only thing that worked as turning of "object caching" in wpforo settings. Now views are updated live.
However, I wonder how this will affect loading times? Also, will it affect loading time on my whole site or only when visiting the /forum path?
Hi Robert. I tried doing some research using your links but not sure Im any wiser.
I have now acticated "object cache" again so likes are displaying correctly, but views are not updating. Also, I have excluded wpforo from caching in WP Rocket, but that doesn't seem to do any difference.